Announcements and Opportunities
- International Women’s Day March 8:
- See a collective reading of a resolution urging psychologists support for and education about the violations of girls’ and women’s human rights globally. Click here
- UN page celebrating International Women’s Day
- GNPHR Blog – Releasing Women’s Potential
Where to Find it
- Framework for Inspiration – Guiding document for psychology associations that want to begin or engage a human rights committee/task force/section.
- Special Journal Issue on Psychology and Human Rights
- Global and Regional Human Rights Organizations
Blog Series – Commentaries and Opinion Pieces
National Preventive Mechanisms and Psychology
How psychologists can contribution to NPMsContinue Reading
Combating torture and ill-treatment – 40 years on the global agenda
Combatting torture – role of psychologistsContinue Reading
A Global Glance at Psychologists at the United Nations Human Rights Day
Psychology at the United NationsContinue Reading
Celebrating Women: Breaking Shackles to Reach True Potential
International Women’s DayContinue Reading
Preserving Human Rights /Mental Health / Elderly
Protecting older adults with mental health conditions from abuse.Continue Reading
Mental Health is a Human Right
Call to Action for World Mental Health Day by the WFMH PresidentContinue Reading
Genocide: Evidence from Official Russian Psychology Publications
The author explores the involvement of organized psychology in Russia in the war in UkraineContinue Reading
A journey into working with Indigenous clients
Working with indigenous clients and their human rightsContinue Reading
Climate Change Impact on Women and Their Increased Vulnerability
Climate change disporportionately affects Continue Reading
Confronting the Legacy of Eugenics in Psychology
The importance of history in addressing human rightsContinue Reading
Promoting, Dignity, Freedom, and Justice for All in an Era of Uncertainty
Human Rights Day 2022 – actions for psychologistsContinue Reading
Reflecting on Children’s Rights & Nurturing Care on World’s Children’s Day
Working to ensure inclusion of all childrenContinue Reading
Peace Education for Human Rights: Building an Open Access Repository
Call for materials for open repository of peace curriculaContinue Reading
World Refugee Day – An opportunity for learning
Building alliances with dispossessed people fosters hopeContinue Reading
World Refugee Day Blog: When Racism Meets Humanitarian Action
Can real humanity be selective to some groups only?Continue Reading
Blog: Biopsychosocial effects of prolonged human rights violations
Psychology & Reconciliation after HR violationsContinue Reading
Letter to Mother Earth – Sorry for the Code Red Situation
What we have forgotten and what we can rememberContinue Reading
Advocacy & Empowerment for Adolescent Girls during COVID
Adolescent girls need special support during COVID-19Continue Reading
The Pandemic Highlights a Need to Educate for Equity
Call for a new education for humanity and human rightsContinue Reading
Climate Change, Survival, Health & Future Generations
Promote children’s rights through adequate early careContinue Reading
How to contribute to human rights compliance monitoring ?
Opportunities to give voice to human rights issuesContinue Reading
International Day of Peace: Peace, Enemy Images, and Human Rights
Transforming a culture of war and violence to a culture of peace and non-violence.Continue Reading
Improving Conditions For Unaccompanied Minors in U.S. Border Custody
Evidence-based recommendations to reduce trauma for detained childrenContinue Reading
Poverty and in-equality and the post Covid-19 human rights agenda
How does the new social agenda address poverty and inequality?Continue Reading
Teaching the Human Rights Foundations for Social Justice Advocacy
Human Rights Education plus psychological science can be a powerful tools for social justice.Continue Reading
Why a Psychologist Might Want to Become a Human Rights Fellow
How institutions can help individuals become involved with human rights issues.Continue Reading
Idealism, Psychology and Human Rights
Promoting Human Rights protects the world and its future.Continue Reading
Psychology and Human Rights: Holding On To Truth
On the importance of critical realism and observable behavior.Continue Reading
… On Psychology, History and Human Rights
Promoting an intergenerational framework for human rightsContinue Reading
United Nations World Children’s Day November 20
Call to action to protect the rights of indigenous children.Continue Reading
GNPHR Commemorates Kristallnacht 9 November
We must not be bystanders in the defense of human rights.Continue Reading

Psychology Organizations and Human Rights
*Hosted by the International Council of Psychologists (ICP, Inc) – in collaboration with the Board on Human Rights and Psychology of the European Federation of Psychological Associations (EFPA-BHRP)