Statements About Ukraine from Psychology Organizations
Regional / International Psychology Organizations
European Federation of Psychologists Associations: Statement from EFPA concerning the war in Ukraine and action in relation to the EFPA membership of the Russian Psychological Society(March 3, 2022)
Global Network of Psychologists for Human Rights: In war everyone loses, fundamental rights are lost, the environment is seriously damaged, freedoms go up in smoke (February 26)
Global Psychology Alliance: Global Psychology Alliance Expresses Solidarity with National Psychological Association of Ukraine
International Association of Applied Psychology: IAAP Statement about human rights and peace and security (March, 2022)
International Council of Psychologists: ICP Statement on Ukraine (March 5, 2022)
International Union of Psychological Science: IUPsyS Statement on Conflict in Eastern Europe
Society for the Study of Human Development: A Statement Motivated by the Invasion of Ukraine
National Psychology Organizations
American Psychological Association: APA Motion on Ukraine Conflict (February 22, 2022)
Australian Psychological Society: APS Statement on the invasion of Ukraine (March 1, 2022)
Belgian Association for Psychological Science: BAPS Statement Regarding the War on Ukraine (February 28, 2022)
British Psychological Society: BPS Responds to the Current Conflict in Ukraine (February 25, 2022)
Canadian Psychological Association: Canadian Psychological Association stands in solidarity with Ukraine/ La Société canadienne de psychologie est solidaire de l’Ukraine (March 2, 2022)
Colombian Psychological Association: Colpsic expresses its solidarity with the Ukrainian people/ Colpsic expresa su solidaridad con el pueblo ucraniano (March 2, 2022)
Czech Psychology Network: Psychologická pomoc Ukrajině
Danish Psychological Association: Replik af fungerende formand Dea Seidenfaden
French Federation of Psychologists and Psychology (FFPP): Comuniqué FFPP (February 27, 2022)
German Psychological Society: Vorstand der DGPs bekundet Solidarität mit der Ukraine und den ukrainischen Psychologinnen und Psychologen [The German Psychological Society Board expresses solidarity with Ukraine and Ukrainian Psychologists] (February 25, 2022)
Psychological Society of Ireland: Psychological Society of Ireland statement on conflict in Ukraine (March 4, 2022)
Consiglio Nazionale Ordine Psicologi (National Order of Psychologists (Italy): La solidarietà del presidente CNOP al popolo e alle Colleghe e Colleghi dell’Ucraina (February 26, 2022)
Order of Psychologists of Piedmont (Italy): OPP in Support of Ukraine (March 4, 2022)
The Korean Psychological Association (KPA): No War (March, 2022)
Lithuanian Psychological Assocaition: Susisiekėme su Ukrainos psichologų asociacija
Malta Chamber of Psychologists: Malta Chamber of Psychologists Statement on the War in Ukraine (March 8, 2022)
Association of Psychologists in Nepal: Statement of Association of Psychologists of Nepal on Military invasion in Ukraine (March 8, 2022)
Netherlands Institute of Psychology (NIP): The Dutch Institute of Psychologists supports their colleagues in the Ukraine
New Zealand Psychological Society: The New Zealand Psychological Society stands in solidarity with the people of Ukraine to oppose the attack on their sovereign lands
Norwegian Psychology Association: The Psychological Association condemns the invasion of Ukraine
Psychological Association of the Philippines: PAP shows support to Ukraine (March 7, 2022)
Portuguese Psychologists’ Association: Portuguese Psychologists Association – War on Ukraine (February 28, 2022)
Swedish Psychological Association: Psykologförbundet stöttar Ukrainas psykologförbund (February 24, 2022)