Books on Human Rights and Psychology


Cambridge Handbook of Psychology and Human Rights

Edited by Neal Rubin and Roseanne Flores
Published by Cambridge Press
Link to Publisher

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Human Rights Education for Psychologists

Edited by Polli Hagenaars, Marlena Plavšíć, Nora Sveass, Ulrich Wagner & Tony Wainwright; Foreword by Saths Cooper. Published by Routledge Press.    Link to Publisher

Research Handbook on Torture

Edited by Sir Malcolm D. Evans, Professor, University of Bristol Law School, UK and Jens Modvig, Director, Health department, DIGNITY – Danish Institute against Torture, Denmark. Link to Publisher

Journal Articles, Book Chapters

Söderström, K., Hagenaars, P., Wainwright, T., Wagner, U. (2019). Human Rights Matter to Psychology – Psychology Matters to Human Rights. European Psychologist (2019), 24, pp. 99-101. Link through ResearchGate

Minami, M. (2020, Jul-Dec). Ubwiyunge Mubikorwa (reconciliation in action): Development and Field Piloting of Action-Based Psychosocial Reconciliation Approach in post-Gacaca Rwanda. Intervention-International Journal of Mental Health Psychosocial Work and Counselling in Areas of Armed Conflict, 18(2), 129-138.


Velez, G. (2018). Introduction to the special section: The intersection of psychology and human rights. Psychology and Society, 2018, 8 (2), 1-7.

Special issue on Psychology and Human Rights (2015) Peace and Conflict, 21,1.