Draft minutes
Meeting November 3rd, 2022
Network of Human rights and psychology groups
Lea Jabbarian, The Netherlands
Iva Žegura, Croatia
Derek Indoe, UK
Tony Wainwright, for the GN Steering Group
Polli Hagenaars, for the GN steering group
Gabe Twose, APA,
Emmanuel Hernani, The Philippines
Elaine Rogers
Marlena Plavšić
Following introductions and welcomes, we reviewed the previous minutes notes and agreed them.
1. Matters arising:
a. Tony updated the group on the survey of human rights activities that psychology associations that has now been translated into Spanish so that it is more widely available. Link for English version. We still need more associations to respond to this so if anyone has contacts can they encourage this please.
b. Tony reminded colleagues that if colleagues could send material that could be added to the GN website page about their associations work in HR it could be posted there and provide publicity for it.
c. The draft ‘guidance’ on organising human rights work in psychology organisations was presented. This had been drafted by Elaine and Tony and taken to the GN steering group. The steering groups points were fed back to the group and had been incorporated into the draft.
i. It was renamed a Framework for Inspiration’ (thank you Lea) and all agreed this was a good way to describe it. The first section provides some context. The second is a series of examples of current practice. The third a checklist of things to consider with some final recommendations of useful resources.
ii. The draft was revised in the light of discussion and will be circulated to the group for further feedback.
iii. Some discussion on dissemination through other international psychology organisations. This is yet to be decided by the Steering Group.
2. Reports from Associations:
a. US APA – Gabriel Twose. A lot is going on. One issue concerns consultation on the Convention of the Rights of the Child and how it relates to the environmental challenges – essentially environmental rights. This is relevant as COP27 is happening
b. UK – The terms of reference of the new human rights advisory group that is currently appointing membership, can be downloaded from here – https://tinyurl.com/TOR-HR
c. Croatia – Iva, who chairs the human rights section in her association reported on serious concerns in the field of LGBTI+ rights and how some colleagues are being attacked because of their identity. Iva will communicate with Polli and include these issues on the GN website and in the Bulletin, and include these issues in our webinar series.
Iva also said they are having their annual psychology conference and are planning to organise live their first meeting of their section on human rights. The members of the Section will also lead round tables that cover other issues that overlap with human rights. They also plan to publish the Handbook about Psychology and Human Rights which will be in Croatian – it will be a first! – and will be invaluable for teachers and many others.
d. The Netherlands – currently focussing on the anniversary of the abolition of slavery. Lea also raised the question of the situation in Iran and how we support our colleagues. The group agreed that finding ways to support colleagues in these situations was often difficult and we should devote part of the next meeting to this topic. Lea kindly agreed to introduce it.
e. The Philippines – Emmanuel, who is vice president of the Psychological Association of the Philippines reported on their work. They had just conducted the International Psychology Summit. They have an informal group set up by former president. They are thinking of holding some workshops and seminars on human rights and establishing a formal group on human rights and psychology, but still in the planning stages.
3. Next steps for the group – some continuing from previous notes
a. Group members to share workplans and or terms of reference of their groups
b. Dates of upcoming meetings shown below. Preregistration on Zoom required via email that will be sent prior to the meeting. This will give access to the zoom link for the meeting.
Date and Times of next meetings:
Thursday 5th January 2023 1.00 pm Central European Time (CET)
Thursday 7th March 2023 London 8.pm Central European Time (CET)
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