Toporek, R. L., Gerstein, L. H., Fouad, N. A., Roysircar, G., & Israel, T. (2006). Future Directions for Counseling Psychology: Enhancing leadership, vision, and action in Social Justice. In SAGE Publications, Inc. eBooks (pp. 533–552).


Injustice, oppression, and inequality abound within the United States and internationally, presenting counseling psychologists with a plethora of avenues through which to apply their knowledge, training, and expertise. As has been illustrated throughout this Handbook, this involvement may take a variety of forms and venues. The goal of this chapter is to highlight the themes that seem to cross the varied settings, problems, and methodological and theoretical approaches taken by each of the authors. We then highlight future directions for counseling psychologists with respect to theory, research, practice, training, and policy. Finally, we acknowledge the challenges that arise for counseling psychologists engaged in social justice activities. Central Themes in Social Justice Work. A number of themes emerge from the work described by the counseling psychologists in this Handbook: community involvement, interdisciplinary collaboration, multilevel or systemic approaches, pace of change, and commitment to service. An explication of these themes can provide some guidance and a structure for future directions in theory, practice, research, training, and policy linked with social justice initiatives.