Network of Human Rights and Psychology Groups

Date and time:  20:00 – 21:30 CET 09.03.2023

In attendance: Tony Wainwright, Lea Jabbarian , Hanlie van Wyk, Derek Indoe , Marlena Plavcic , Gabriel Twose (joined for closing part of the meeting),

Apologies: Richard Plenty, Juanita Hopper, Polli Hagenaars, Elaine Rogers, Iva Zegura

1.     Welcome and introductions:
a.     The group members described their work and welcomed Hanlie, who is a member of the APA and researches human rights related issues.
2.     Minutes of last meeting accepted as accurate account, with minor amendments.
3.     Points from last meeting for further discussion
a.     Draft guidance – Framework for Inspiration –  on organising human rights work in psychology associations . TW presented the current draft of the document.
i.     The group welcomed the additional contribution from the Interamerican psychological society and the Psychological Society of  South Africa.
ii.     The group discussed the varying content of each Associations contribution and agreed that some headings would be useful that would help readability and consistency.
iii.     To draw on the survey to provide further information.
iv.     Further editing to be undertaken to clarify various points raised by the group and by the GN steering group. A final version to be available at the June meeting. Action: TW
4.     Presentation by Lea concerning Iran. This project is about providing support to people affected by the current situation in Iran. The goal is to perhaps create an informative Instagram account with practical tips and links to available resources, all about how to deal with difficult circumstances. It aims at transferring knowledge to anyone affected, including family and loved ones and those living in and outside of Iran. For this project we are going to draw inspiration from research on social media and politics and we will aim at connecting with relevant stakeholders in clinical care, policy making and research. We also discussed the balance between strong advocacy or a more neutral voice in postings.
a.     Action: Tony to take to the GN steering group.
5.     We also discussed updating the section of the GN site to include social media and how it can be used to support human rights
6.     Update from Associations on their HR work. Those present gave an update on the work of their Associations. Links to the organisations websites are:
a.     APA Human Rights information
b.     BPS Human Rights information
c.      Croatia Human Rights information
d.     The Netherlands Human Rights information

7.     Future plans
a.     The group had previously discussed having a presentation on a related topic at each meeting.  A request was made by psychologists working in post-genocide Rwanda for support from the group.  Today the group discussed and agreed a series of topics:
i.     June 8th 2023 – Polli will present on Ethics, human rights and psychology.
ii.     September  2023  – Elaine will present on Disability Rights
iii.     December 2023  – Iva will present on LGBTQ+ rights
iv.     Other possible topics include Restorative Justice in Ukraine / Russia.

b.     Ideas for collaborative projects.  The group discussed that collaborative projects would emerge from the presentation topics above.
Date and time of Next meetings

Thursday 8th June 1.00 pm (CET)
Thursday 14th September 20.00 (CET)
Thursday 14th December 1.00 pm (CET)