Network of Human Rights and Psychology Groups


Date and time:  13:00 – 14:00 CET 05.01.2023
Zoom: Topic: GNPHR Network of Human Rights groups in Psychology Associations

In attendance: Tony Wainwright (Chair, UK), Lea Jabbarian (Netherlands), Juanita Hopper (BPS), Polli Hagenaars (Netherlands), Gabriel Twose (APA), Iva Zegura (Croatia – joined at Point 4), Elaine Rogers (Ireland)

Apologies: Richard , Derek Indoe (BPS)

Chair: Tony Wainwright, GNPHR Steering Group
1.     Welcome and introductions
2.     Minutes of last meeting accepted as accurate account.
3.     Points from last meeting for further discussion
a.     GN survey reopened in English and Spanish.
i.     TW reported challenges with the Spanish version.  It seems there are incomplete and inauthentic responses to the survey.  Tony and colleagues are following up.
b.     Content for associations section on GN website.  TW invited contributions for the GN website from represented associations.
c.      Draft guidance on organising human rights work in psychology associations TW/ER. TW presented the current draft of the document.
i.     The group discussed the graphics and reflected on the politics of the graphics and the possibility of selecting images that represent Human Rights
ii.     Further information on psychology associations in Global South is required.  TW will follow up with South Africa, India, Columbia, the Philippines and the steering group.
4.     Update from Associations on their HR work
a.     APA – GT reported the following activities:
i.     APA provided training to colleagues on human rights law.
ii.     Working to integrate human rights principles into core activities of APA
iii.     APA currently working on consultation paper on rights of children and climate change.
b.     Croatia. IZ reported the following activities:
i.     At their recent annual conference the Section for Psychology and Human Rights was re-established.
ii.     The group are currently finalising their book on human rights and psychology
iii.     The Croatian society is currently updating their new ethical code.
iv.     The group are developing a curriculum for human rights and psychology education
v.     Trans people are experiencing difficulty accessing health care. Clinical psychologists are working to protect access to established heath care.
c.      BPS.  JH and TW reported the following activities:
i.     The first meeting of the new BPS Human Rights advisory board is scheduled for 17/01/2023.  Terms of Reference have been agreed. The group has 20 members and will identify key issues and a develop a work plan at the first meeting.
ii.     The EDI board has 14 members and is also progressing its work.
iii.     Shortlisting is currently underway for a Climate Change group.
iv.     The challenging histories group will be holding a symposium as part of the EFPA conference, July 2023, Brighton, UK, on Eugenics.  This group is also looking at how the BPS frames what it says about its history.
d.     Netherlands.  LJ & PH reported on the following activities:
i.     A series of events relating to slave trade are being organsised, some dependent on funding, and including round table discussions and a documentary Shadow of Colour.
ii.     The group are working on a series of publications, including a blog about an upcoming trip to Ghana.
iii.     The group are also working with a German Professor who was taken as a child from Africa.
e.     Ireland. ER reported on the following activities:
i.     The Human Rights SIG presented at the PSI annual conference and was well received by the community of psychologists.  The group also had its first AGM in December.  We now have about 20 members.
ii.     Group members are involved in a range of related activities, including working with trafficking, refugees, disability and children’s rights.
iii.     The group is running a survey of the membership re knowledge and experience re human rights and psychology.
iv.     The climate change SIG is developing a position paper.
v.     The Psychological Society of Ireland is 50 years old and had produced a documentary of its history.

5.     Future plans
a.     The group had previously discussed having a presentation on a related topic at each meeting.  A request was made by psychologists working in post-genocide Rwanda for support from the group.  Today the group discussed and agreed a series of topics:
i.     March 2023 – Lea and Gabe (?) will present on supporting colleagues in Iran/ middle eastern psychological associations.
ii.     May 2023 – Polli will present on Ethics, human rights and psychology.  BPS, APA and Croatia (double check) are currently updating
iii.     July 2023 ? – Elaine will present on Disability Rights
iv.     September 2023 ? – Iva will present on LGBTQ+ rights
v.     Other possible topics include Restorative Justice in Ukraine / Russia.

b.     Ideas for collaborative projects.  The group discussed that collaborative projects would emerge from the presentation topics above.
6.     A.O.B
a.     The bulletin – PH invited all members to sign up for the GNPHR bulletin.
b.     The website – webinars and resources are available on the GNPHR website.
c.      The minutes of this group are available on the GNPHR website.
Date and time of Next meeting

Thursday 9th March 8 pm (CET)