Fundamental Rights Association will launch first results of its Fundamental Rights Survey during the flagship online event “Human rights in the new normal – people’s views and experiences in EU societies affected by the COVID-19 outbreak” on 24 and 25 of June 2020. 

FRA’s report ‘What do rights mean for people in the EU’ will bereleased during the event. The report covers the general population’s experiences and views on their fundamental rights. The event is organised in cooperation with the Croatian Presidency of the Council of the EU and the Norway Grants & EEA.

1)    Thematic panel debates live broadcasted

We are inviting you to watch two thematic panel debates live broadcasted (one on each day, starting around 10 AM – 11:30 AM): these sessions will be open to the public and aim to engage the audience through polling, chat and Q&A. Pre-registration to plenary sessions is optional.

2)    Country breakout sessions

FRP organisations working at national level are invited to join a country breakout session (60 minutes-session): these sessions will provide a space to further reflect and discuss the survey results from a national perspective. We encourage you to express your interest to join the breakout sessions by pre-registering before 19 June via . 

Kindly note that:

o   The 28 breakout sessions, covering 27 Member States and North Macedonia, will run in parallel over the two days between 12.00 and 15.30  (see schedule on the website)

o   Maximum one representative per organisation can take part in the breakout session.

o   FRA will do its best to accommodate interested national partners and aims at ensuring participation of a variety of stakeholders and a gender balance, however participation will need to be limited to 20-22 persons per breakout room to allow space for real dialogue.

o   Confirmation of your participation to a breakout session will be communicated to you by e-mail on 22 June along with the supporting documents.

o   In most cases, discussions may take place in the country’s national languages. In some cases, the discussions will be in English.

For more information about the event, the exact schedule of the breakout sessions and the full programme, see

We look forward to your cooperation and seeing you virtually at the event. Please do not reply to this e-mail for your registration, only via the dedicated website.