Cambridge Handbook of Psychology and Human Rights
Edited by Neal Rubin and Roseanne Flores
Published by Cambridge Press
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Table of Contents
Dedication; Acknowledgements; Introduction
Part I: History of Human Rights
Chapter 1: How Fear and Hope Shaped the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Allida M. Black (The George Washington University), & Michael D. Cooper (The Ploughshare Group, LLC)
Chapter 2: Human Rights Developments from the Universal Declaration to the Present
Sam McFarland (Western Kentucky University) & Ruben I. Zamora (Former El Salvador Ambassador to the United Nations)
Chapter 3: Connecting Human Rights and Psychological Ethics in a Globalizing World: Issues and Recommendations
Janel Gauthier (Université Laval) & Carole Sinclair (Independent Practitioner)
Chapter 4: A Historical Narrative of Psychology Engaging Human Rights within the Framework of the United Nations
Corann Okorodudu (Rowan University), Judy Kuriansky (Columbia University Teachers College), Peter R. Walker (SPSSI), & Florence L. Denmark (Pace University)
Part II: The Intersection of Psychology and Human Rights
Chapter 5: The Intersection of Psychology and Human Rights in Addressing Racism, Discrimination and Xenophobia: Past, Present, and Future Directions
Roseanne L. Flores (Hunter College, CUNY), Corann Okorodudu (Rowan University), & Verene Shephard (University of the West Indies, Mona)
Chapter 6: Poverty and Human Rights for Children and Youth through the Lenses of Psychology and Sociology
Juliana Karras-Jean Gilles (University of California, Los Angeles), Kirrily Pells (University College London), Virginia Morrow (University of Oxford), & Martin D. Ruck (Graduate Center, CUNY)
Chapter 7: Labor Rights as Human Rights: The Role of OECD’s Responsible Business Conduct Guidelines
Raymond Saner (Diplomacy Dialogue, Geneva) & Lichia Yiu (Center for Socio-Eco-Nomic Development)
Chapter 8: Who’s Culture? Challenging the Idea of an Opposition between Women’s Human Rights and the Right to Culture
Silvia Sara Canetto (Colorado State University) & Shawn M. Burn (Cal Poly)
Chapter 9: Human Rights: A Psychologist’s Path to “Do No Harm”
Nora Sveaass (University of Oslo) & Linda Woolf (Webster University)
Chapter 10: Child Rights: Why They Matter and How to Realize Them
Michael G. Wessells (Columbia University) & Kathleen Kostelny (Columbia Group for Children in Adversity)
Chapter 11: Human Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its Nexus with Mental Health and Psychosocial Well-being
Jin Hashimoto (Consulate-General of Japan in New York), Takashi Izutsu (University of Tokyo), & Altsuro Tsutsumi (Kanazawa University)
Part III: Contemporary Issues, Psychology and Human Rights
Chapter 12: Mental Health and Human Rights
Stephen P. Marks (Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health), Lena Verdeli (Teachers College, Columbia University), & Sandra Willis (Teachers College, Columbia University)
Chapter 13: Cultivating Our Common Humanity: Reflections on Freedom of Thought, Conscience, and Religion
Michael Penn (Franklin and Marshall College), Naseem Kourosh (Attorney and Policy Advocate), & Maja Groff (The Hague)
Chapter 14: From Refugees to Immigrants: The Role of Psychology in the Struggle for Human Rights
Brigitte Khoury (American University of Beirut) & Julie Hakim-Larson (University of Windsor)
Chapter 15: UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Sustainable Development Goals: Implications for Schools and Educators
Bonnie K. Nastasi (Tulane University) & Shereen C. Naser (Cleveland State University)
Chapter 16: The Global Contributions of Psychology to Understanding and Addressing the Non-negotiability of Human Dignity and Health Equity
Miriam Y. Vega (UMMA Community Clinic) & Caleb Otto (Director of Public Health Republic of Palau (retired) and former Palau Ambassador to the United Nations)
Chapter 17: Human Rights and Psychology from Indigenous Perspectives
Arthur W. Blume (Washington State University), Gayle Skawen:nio Morse (Russell Sage College), & Catherine Love (Korokoro, New Zealand)
Chapter 18: Human Trafficking: Vulnerabilities, Human Rights Violations, and Psychological Consequences
Nancy M. Sidun (Independent Practitioner) & Yvette G. Flores (University of California, Davis)
Chapter 19: Human Rights Seen through a Cultural Lens: Perspectives from Africa and Asia
Rashmi Jaipal (Bloomfield College), & Ayorkor Gaba (University of Massachusetts Medical School)
Chapter 20: Human Rights and Well-being of Older Persons: Challenges and Opportunities
Janet A. Sigal (Fairleigh Dickinson University), Nélida Quintero (Center for Urban Design and Mental Health), & Emily Valente (Teachers College, Columbia University)
Chapter 21: Reproductive Justice, Psychology, and Human Rights
Joan C. Chrisler (Connecticut College) & Lynda M. Sagrestano (Lüdwig-Maximillions Universität)
Chapter 22: Psychology and the Global Human Rights Agenda on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
Sharon G. Horne (University of Massachusetts) & Eric Julian Manalastas (University of Sheffield)
Chapter 23: Psychosocial Features of Movements that have Advanced Human Rights
Daniel Christie (Ohio State University), Diane Bretherton (University of Queensland), & Lucienne Lunn (Independent Scholar)
Chapter 24: Principles of Care of Survivors of Organized Violence in a Global Society
Katherine Porterfield (New York University, Langone Health)
Chapter 25: Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Humanitarian Settings: Considerations for Protecting and Promoting Human Rights
Inka Weissbecker (World Health Organization), Peter Ventevogel (UNHCR), Fahmy Hanna (World Health Organization), & Soumitra Pathare (World Health Organization)
Chapter 26: Children and Violence across the Lifespan: A Global and Socioecological Perspective
Jordan Farrar, Dana Thomson & Theresa Betancourt (Boston College School of Social Work)
Chapter 27: Psychology and Human Rights in the Age of Genomics and Neuroscience
Kshitij Kumar Singh (University of Delhi) & Greg Gibson (Georgia Tech)
Chapter 28: Behavioral Insights, Public Policy and Human Rights
Steve O’Neil (Independent Scholar), Aimee Lace (Teachers College, Columbia University), & Lori Foster (North Carolina State University)
Chapter 29: From Human Resources to Human Rights: Tools for Humanitarian Work Psychology
Walter Reichman (Baruch College, CUNY) & Stuart Carr (Massey University, New Zealand)
Chapter 30: Climate Change: A Challenge to Human Rights, Justice, Equality, and Human Well-being
Irina Feygina (Independent Practitioner), Daniel Chapman (Yale University), & Ezra Markowitz (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
Part IV: Teaching, Research, and Training in Psychology and Human Rights
Chapter 31: Liberation Psychology and Human Rights
Cheryl de la Rey (University of Canterbury) & Chalmer E. Thompson (Indiana University Purdue University of Indiana)
Chapter 32: Education of Psychologists for Human Rights Awareness, Accountability and Action
Felisa Tibbitts (Utrecht University) & Polli Hagenaars (EFPA Board of Human Rights and Psychology)
Chapter 33: Conducting Psychology across Borders: Maintaining Scientific Rigor and Safeguarding Human Rights
Merry Bullock (Ahimsa International) & Sandra Zakowski (National Louis University)
Chapter 34: Diversity in Psychology Education & Training: A Human Rights Imperative for a Global Inclusive Psychology
Ava D. Thompson (University of the Bahamas) & Ayşe Çiftçi (Purdue University)
Chapter 35: Preparing Future Generations: Critical Considerations and Best Practices in Training Psychologists about the Human Rights of Sexually and Gender-diverse people and communities
Julie M. Koch (Oklahoma State University), Hung Chiao (National Taipei University of Education), & Juan Nel (University of South Africa)
Part V: Future Directions
Chapter 36: Human Rights and Reconciliation: Theoretical and Empirical Connections
Gabriel Velez (Marquette University), Gabe Twose (American Psychological Association), & Wilson López López (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana)
Chapter 37: The Australian Psychological Society’s Apology to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People: Going beyond the Apology in the Teaching and Training of Psychologists
Pat Dudgeon (The University of Western Australia), Timothy Carey (Flinders University), Sabine Hammond (The Australian Psychological Society Limited), Tanja Hirvonen (Charles Darwin University), Michael Kyrios (The Australian National University), Louise Roufeil (The Australian Psychological Society Limited) & Peter Smith (Quirindi Health Centre)
Chapter 38: The Role of Scientific Societies in Promoting and Protecting Human Rights and the Example of the American Psychological Association
Kirby Huminuik (University of British Columbia) & Jessica Wyndham (American Association for the Advancement of Science)
Chapter 39: Human Rights, Psychology, and Artificial Intelligence
K. Alexa Koenig (University of California, Berkeley School of Law), & Brandie M. Nonnecke (University of California, Berkeley)
Chapter 40: Psychology, Human Rights, and the Implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Neal S. Rubin (Adler University), Roseanne L. Flores (Hunter College), Juneau M. Gary (Kean University), Susan Nolan (Seton Hall University), & Teresa M. Ober (University of Notre Dame)